- HIAST was established to be a center of excellence that keeps pace with international universities in qualifying frameworks capable of conducting engineering and applied research. HIAST started to award the doctoral certificate so that the holder of the certificate would be eligible for academic work, to teach in universities and to conduct distinguished scientific and applied research. To achieve this goal, the student who will be registered for the doctorate must fulfill a number of specific conditions and that the research plan on which he will work must meet specific standards.
- The duration of doctoral preparation is three years, which can be extended by one year upon the decision of the HIAST Council.
The following doctoral programs are currently available at HIAST:
- Telecommunication
- Informatics
- Control Systems
- Applied Physics
The following are required to obtain a doctoral degree:
- The student must prepare an innovative research on a topic approved by HIAST Council based on the proposal of the Scientific Research Affairs Committee.
- To submit a thesis that includes the results of his research, which will be accepted by the evaluation committee, and lead a public discussion in it.
- The thesis submitted by the student to obtain a doctoral degree shall be prepared in Arabic and must be accompanied by a sufficient summary in English.
- To publish two scientific papers on the subject of the research in peer-reviewed journals, one of which is external and classified within Scopus.
The annual tuition fee for delegated students and for self-financed students:
1- 2,000,000 SP for Syrian students and the like.
2- 2000$ for Arab and foreign students.