Engineering Programs

Graduate's Profile
The duration of study at the Higher Institute is five years, after which the student obtains the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering in one of the following specializations:

This speciality includes two programs:
The Software Engineering & Artificial Intelligence qualifies the student to master the concepts and techniques related to software engineering, databases, and data analysis using artificial intelligence techniques, compilers, parallel programming, graphs, network basics, web programming, and mobile applications, in addition to the ability to develop appropriate software solutions and systems in various fields.
The Networks & Operating Systems Engineering qualifies the student to master the concepts and techniques related to operating systems, parallel programming, distributed systems, network technologies and security, network programming, information security, and the basics of software engineering, in addition to the ability to design and manage networks and operate information systems.

The mechatronics engineering major qualifies the student to master the concepts and techniques related to mechatronic systems in their various aspects (mechanics, electronics, control, materials, and robotics), and the ability to analyze, design, and implement integrated electromechanical systems.

Aeronautical Engineering (Aleppo Branch):
The aeronautical engineering major qualifies the student to master the concepts and techniques related to aircraft structures, aerodynamics, flight dynamics, propulsion, control, mobile and information systems, and the ability to analyse, design, and test aeronautical systems.
Electronic Systems Engineering:
The electronic systems engineering major qualifies the student to master the concepts and techniques related to electronics, driving electrical machines, all types of control, industrial networks, programming and image processing, and the ability to analyze systems composed of electrical, electronic and mechanical parts, and to design and implement integrated electro-electrical systems.

Materials Science and Engineering:
The Materials Science and Engineering major qualifies the student to master the concepts and techniques related to the structure, properties, and performance of materials, techniques for their synthesis, and methodologies for testing and characterization. This includes polymeric, ceramic, glass, metal, and composite materials of all kinds and nanomaterials. Besides, the student will have the ability to synthesize new materials or modify known materials, and characterize them.

Telecommunication Engineering:
The Teleommunication Engineering major qualifies the student to master the concepts and techniques related to signal processing, multimedia, advanced signal processors, microprocessors, and the analysis and design of wired, wireless, radio, and optical communications systems and networks (fixed, mobile, and satellite).